Technology is not neutral, technology always serves a purpose and technology is always created by an entity with an agenda. In a free society, it is crucial for its members to understand both the positive and foremost the negative implications that technologies introduce to their communities. Engineers play a significant role in tackling their societies' most pressing issues. The rise of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) magnified this phenomenon to a global impact while sometimes neglecting local realities. Recognizing this, the research group Rooting Talents (ROTA) focuses on the education of software engineering and computer science students from marginalized communities. ROTA's overarching goal is to equip local talents with self-reflective engineering skills while keeping them firmly rooted within their socioeconomic context. Digital sovereignty in connection with digital colonialism are at the centre of all research interventions. By doing so, ROTA situates itself within the research field of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).
If you have a topic that may fit well with the ROTA research team, send your research proposal, CV and formless motivation to {{laim}}.