AMMA (AMazing MAkers) is a research team dedicated to the field of empirical software engineering with a current focus on (but not limited to):
With these focus areas in mind, we are especially interested in researching and contributing to large-scale (real-world) applications of software engineering processes and, to that end, strongly rely on empirical software engineering methods.
We are offering supervision for all projects within our scope, including seminar, internship, bachelor thesis, and master thesis projects. You are encouraged to either choose a project from our “current research topics” or propose your own idea.
We are (and have been in the past) also open to other topics at AMMA apart from our current core research focus areas as long as they are based on empirical software engineering methods.
If you have a topic that may fit well with the AMMA research team, send your research proposal, CV and formless motivation to {{laim}}.