The "Talk on Software & Systems" (TOSS) is a forum of meeting, stimulation and exchange between the reality of information technology in the large environment (IT "in the Large") with the world and the method & way of thinking of science and research in the form of the request of one-sided reporting without regard to academic conceits.

The latest TOSS lecture

Die deutsche Patientenakte, ein europäisches (Hoch-)Technologie-Leitsystem, erbaut unter komplexen Umfeld-Bedingungen (in German)
Andreas Strausfeld, speaker of the board of BITMARCK Group
Time and place:
28.04.2022, 17:15 Lecture hall 14A Günther Feuerstein, main building TU Vienna


The inter-university research group Industrial Software (INSO) deals with the planning, architecture, construction, operation, and maintenance and evolution of (software) systems in the large, real IT environment.


INSO offers topics for theses and practicals in different research areas. The following list describes the focus and core competences of our research areas.


Building Systems

Software Engineering,
Software Re-Engineering,
Software Analysis and Visualization,
Software Maintenance and Lifecycle Management


Designing Comfort

Human-Computer Interaction,
Tangible User Interfaces,
Interaction Devices and Methods,
Usability engineering


Establishing Security

Security Analysis and Inspection,
Security Engineering,
System and Security Monitoring,
Process Models and Enterprise Security


Connecting Patients

Medical Information Systems, Electronic Health Records,
Health IT Infrastructures,
Serious Games in Healthcare,
Animal Health Records, m-Health Solutions


Amazing Makers

Software Engineering Processes,
Agile & Lean Software Development,
Global Software Engineering,
Teams and Team Building,
Software Project Management,
Empirical Software Engineering


Balancing Banks

Core-Banking, Risikosteuerung,
Regulatory Requirements & Reporting,
Banken-IT-Steuerung, IT- and Project
Management Governance im Banking Sector


Innovating Towns

Community Informatics,


Mobilizing Tomorrow

Mobile Application Engineering,
Services, Communications & Networking,
Embedded and Pervasive Systems


Operating Enterprises

ERP-/ERM-Systems, PPS-/SCM-Systems,
CAS-/CRM-Systems Project Management,
IT-Management, IT-Controlling E-Business,
Enterprise Portals, Risk Management, IT-Strategy eGovernment


Perfecting Software

Software Quality Assurance,
Software Testing,
Requirements Engineering


Taming Robots

Applied Artificial Intelligence,
Optimization/Automation with AI Technologies, Speech Recognition,
Trust & Transparency, Social Responsibility,
Privacy & Data Protection


Analysing Dynamics

Motion Analysis and Movement Evaluation,
Biomechanic Systems,
Sport Situation Assessment, Sports Games


Serving Athletes

Smart Safety Equipment,
Sports Diagnostics and Analysis Systems, Data Broadcasting,
Training Performance Indication
and Improvement Prediction,
Digital Referee


Migrating Software

Legacy Systems,
System Reengineering & Migration,
Software Maintenance & Evolution


Supporting Governments

Digital innovations in eGovernment,
AI in Public Administrations,
Digital Technologies in Public Healthcare


Rooting Talents

Quality of SE and CS education,
Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D),
Digital sovereignty and digital colonialism


Linking Law

Spannungsfelder zwischen Technik und Recht,
Datenschutz im Technologiebereich,
Innovationen im Rechtsbereich (LegalTech),
Regulierung von Plattformen,
Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen,
Bekämpfung von Cyberkriminalität,
Prävention digitaler Geldwäsche,
Rechtliche Herausforderungen autonomer Systeme,
Gesetzgebung und Ethik in der künstlichen Intelligenz


Softwaretechnik: Mit Fallbeispielen aus realen Entwicklungsprojekten
Book Icon Softwaretechnik: Mit Fallbeispielen aus realen Entwicklungsprojekten
Campus-Management Systeme als Administrative Systeme
Book Icon Campus-Management Systeme als Administrative Systeme
Design Space for Focus+Context Navigation in Web Forms
Book Icon Design Space for Focus+Context Navigation in Web Forms


Software Engineering

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
183.223 Web Application Engineering & Content Management 3.0 VU SS
183.241 Software Engineering und Projektmanagement 4.0 PR WS/SS
183.243 Advanced Software Engineering 4.0 PR WS/SS
183.661 Mobile (App) Software Engineering 2.0 VU SS
183.286 (Mobile) Network Services and Applications 2.0 VU WS
183.634 Software Maintenance and Evolution 2.0 VU SS
194.053 Project in Computer Science 1 4.0 PR WS/SS
194.054 Project in Computer Science 2 4.0 PR WS/SS

Software Qualitätssicherung

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
180.764 Softwarequalitätssicherung 4.0 VU WS/SS
183.290 Software Testen 2.0 VU WS
183.652 Software Quality Management 2.0 VU SS
183.252 Softwareprojekt-Beobachtung und -Controlling 4.0 VU SS

Information System Management

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
183.231 ERP Systeme 2.0 VU SS
183.607 Advanced ERP Systems 1 2.0 VU WS
183.251 IT Strategie 2.0 VU WS

Projektmanagement, Risikomanagement

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
183.131 Risikomanagement 2.0 VU SS

User Interface Design/Usability Engineering

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
194.051 Interface & Interaction Design 2.0 PR WS
183.123 Usability Engineering 2.0 VU SS
183.639 Beyond the Desktop 4.0 VU SS
194.063 Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 4.0 PR WS/SS
194.064 Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 4.0 PR WS/SS


Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
194.157 Einführung in Security 4.0 VU WS
183.637 Security for Systems Engineering 2.0 VU SS
183.633 IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures 2.0 VU SS
183.645 Advanced Security for Systems Engineering 2.0 VU WS
194.065 Ausgewählte Kapitel digitaler Forensik I 2.0 VU SS
194.120 Mobile Security 2.0 VU WS/SS

Medizinische Informatik

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
183.635 eHealth in Theorie und Praxis 4.0 VU SS
194.158 Informationssysteme des Gesundheitswesens 4.0 VU WS
183.601 Advanced Aspects of Hospital Information Systems 2.0 VO WS
183.636 Mobile Computing in Health Care 2.0 VU SS
183.644 Telemedizin 4.0 VU WS

Banking & Payment

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester

Car IT

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester

Further Lectures

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
194.113 Sport-Technologien: Einführung in den Mess-, Trainings- und Plattform-Systembau für Athletinnen und Athleten 2.0 VU WS/SS
183.595 Bachelorarbeit für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik 5.0 PR WS/SS
194.130 Legacy Software Engineering in PL/I und COBOL 2.0 VU WS


Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
183.606 Seminar aus Security 2.0 SE WS
183.173 Seminar in Software Engineering 2.0 SE WS
183.599 Seminar aus Medizinischer Informatik 2.0 SE WS/SS
183.603 Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing 2.0 SE WS
183.109 Forschungsseminar für Dissertanten 2.0 SE WS/SS

Lectures at TU Graz

Course No. Title Semester Hours Type Semester
716.110 Crunchpoints der modernen industriellen Softwareentwicklung und IT-Projektführung 3.0 VU WS

Master's and Bachelor's theses

Please see the individual pages of the research groups for possible topcis. Contact the designated advisor and arrange a meeting to discuss structure and content of the thesis.

A presentation of all INSO research fields is always held on the beginning of a new semester. The latest event is Wednesday, October 9th 2024 at 17:00h on site in HS 17 Friedrich Hartmann - ARCH. For any general questions please contact: {{laim}} We would be happy to send you the slides of the topic presentation upon your request.


Wiedner Hauptstraße 76, Stiege 2, 2. Stock
1040 Wien
Tram/Bus-station "Johann-Strauss-Gasse" (1, 62, Badner Bahn; 13A). - The office is located inside the "Galerie Wieden". You walk along the corridor until it ends. From here you can see a small sign "Büros 2. Stiege", pointing you to the left. Then you go through the door on the right to the 2nd floor.
Office Hours:
Every thursday, 14:00 - 15:00. Per appointment via Mail ({{laim}})